Tzu-Bin Yan

I am a 6th-year PhD candidate in Computer Science at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). I work with Prof. Kirill Levchenko on Internet measurement system design & implementation. I am also the lead PhD of the PacketLab project. I obtained my bachelor's degree in CS from National Taiwan University (NTU).

Email: tbyan2[AT]illinois[DOT]edu

CV / GitHub



1. Tzu-Bin Yan*, Zesen Zhang, Bradley Huffaker, Ricky Mok, kc claffy, Kirill Levchenko (2025), "Marionette Measurement: Measurement Support under the PacketLab Model," Passive and Active Measurement conference (PAM 2025), Virtual. (accepted; acceptance rate ~30%)

2. Tzu-Bin Yan*, Zesen Zhang, Bradley Huffaker, Ricky Mok, kc claffy, Kirill Levchenko (2023), "Poster: Empirically Testing the PacketLab Model," ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC 2023), Montreal, Canada. (conference travel grant awardee)

3. Tzu-Bin Yan*, Zesen Zhang, Bradley Huffaker, Ricky Mok, kc claffy, Kirill Levchenko (2023), "A Brief Intro on PKTLAB: A Universal Measurement Endpoint Interface," presented in Workshop on Active Internet Measurements (AIMS 2023), La Jolla, CA, USA.

4. Tzu-Bin Yan*, Yuxuan Chen, Anthea Chen, Zesen Zhang, Bradley Huffaker, Ricky Mok, Kirill Levchenko, kc claffy (2022), "PacketLab - Tools Alpha Release and Demo," ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC 2022), Nice, France.

5. Tzu-Bin Yan*, Bradley Huffaker, kc claffy, Kirill Levchenko (2020), "PacketLab: A Universal Measurement Endpoint Interface - Now with Demo!," presented in Workshop on Active Internet Measurements: Knowledge of Internet Structure: Measurement, Epistemology, and Technology (AIMS-KISMET 2020), La Jolla, CA, USA.


ECE 422 / CS 461 - Introduction to Computer Security (Teaching Assistant)


Spring/Fall 2023, 2024

CSIE 1310 - Network Administration and System Administration Laboratory (Teaching Assistant)


Spring 2019


Honorary member of the Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of R.O.C. (Top 1% in school)


Government Scholarship for Overseas Study (Taiwan)


Scholarship from the Memorial Scholarship Foundation to Mr. Lin Hsiung Chen (Top 1.8% in country)


Pan Wen Yuan Culture and Education Foundation Scholarship


Website based on the original design by Dr. Jon Barron (website) and further modifications by Dr. Adam Liu (website)

Last updated: 2024/12/11